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Precious Penis Benefits (Buy Here)
  1. [G] [D] Free Building Skins

    You can use building skins without purchasing the DLC.

    /bskin -- open the menu

    Watch Video

  2. [G] [D] Fake Raiding!

    /buyraid -- spawn a raidable base (locked to owner and his team) containing loot, protected by NPCs. 85 base designs in the pool (17 per difficulty).

    /raidme -- spawn NPCs to raid your (REAL) base. Note: these NPCs do not take turret damage.

  3. /raidme Scrap Costs => Rewards:

    • Easy: 200 => 400
    • Medium: 400 => 1200
    • Hard: 600 => 2400
    • Expert: 800 => 4000
    • Nightmare: 1000 => 6000
    • Insurrection: 0 => 0

  4. [D] Default Building Tier

    No need to upgrade, just choose the material you want and skip the twig.

    /grade t -- set timeout (default 180, max 600)
    /grade 0 -- disable
    /grade 1 -- enable wood
    /grade 2 -- enable stone
    /grade 3 -- enable metal
    /grade 4 -- enable hqm

    Set a bind key to easily increment your grade:

    F1 > bind u bgrade.up

  5. [D] One-Click Base Upgrade/Repair

    Use the UPGRADE/REPAIR button in your TC. See video guide.

  6. [D] One-Click Skin Everything

    Use the PAINT THE HOUSE button in your TC to apply your selected building skin (from /bskin) to the entire structure all at once.

  7. [D] Auto Doors | Full Details

    Auto-closes doors behind you, in case you forget (default off).

    /ad -- toggle on/off
    /ad h -- extra options

Free For All -- Permanent / OFF For Raid Week
  1. Limited Raiding

    Raiding is blocked for 3 weeks; normal raiding for final week (Raid Week!) Please note Solo/Duo/Trio rule.

    Note: some items are ALWAYS DESTRUCTIBLE - See FAQ for details.

  2. 10% Upkeep. x3 Stacking. No Radiation. Skip Night Vote

    If you build a huge base then make sure your TC is stocked up for Raid Week when upkeep increases to 25%.

  3. PvP or PvE - Your Choice!

    When you first arrive on the server you are in PvP mode*. You can kill and be killed by other (default) PvP players, although it's nothing like the hardcore official servers - this is generally a chill, laid back environment.

    If you want extra protection from other players you can switch to PvE mode. You will then be invincible to DIRECT fire from other players and you can't attack anyone. Animals, scientists, Bradley etc can all still harm you as usual.

    Note: you can still be harmed indirectly, for example they might shoot your mini out of the sky or lay landmines for you etc. This is not God mode!

    * New gamebanned players start in PvE mode.

    /pvx -- check your status

  4. Free Skins!

    We have all (approved) skins available for you.

    /skin -- open menu
    /skinkit -- open skin kits menu
    /skinentity -- skin item you are looking at
    /skinitem -- skin item you are holding

    Watch Video

  5. Free Supply Signal - Daily!

    Cast your vote at vote.deadlock.com then:


  6. Pop / Players / Who

    /who -- quick check while in-game - red names are PvP, green PvE

    Website - Ping, duration, country etc.

  7. Private Messages | Full Details

    /pm -- send a private message to player
    /r -- reply to your most recent private message
    /pmhistory -- show the previous 5 messages of PM with that player.

    PM blocking:

    /ignore add -- block
    /ignore remove -- unblock
    /ignore list -- list

  8. RaidRank (Raid Week Only)

    Keeps track of TCs destroyed and ranks the top raiders.


  9. Rankings | Full Details

    Leaderboard for all kinds of stats.


  10. Remover Tool | Full Details

    /remove -- click on stuff to remove and refund the materials

  11. Sign Artist | Full Details

    Upload your pic somewhere and get the link. Place your picture frame or wooden sign on the wall, and while looking at it do:

    /sil https://i.imgur.com/5BC2NdC.jpg -- (replace with your image link)

    The image will stretch to fit your frame, so make sure it's roughly the same shape.

    If you want to display pics outside your base where others can see then please bear in mind that some squeakers play here so keep it clean-ish. If it's inside you can do what you like, and leave me emotionally scarred when I'm snooping around. I can't un-see these things you know!

  12. Time Of Day

    You can't always see the sun when it's overcast, so check the in-game time:


  13. Toggles

    /dnt -- switch off/on the Death Notes
    /wipe bar -- switch off/on the raid/wipe countdown bar

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